Rivista n. 1 – anno 2021 DIGITALE

SFOGLIA QUESTO NUMERO DELLA RIVISTA DIGITALE: €14,00 il singolo numero € 35,00 abbonamento    3numeri / anno Richiedi la rivista tramite e-mail: ti attiveremo il tuo account Indice Editoriale Marina Zernitz pag. 3 Saggi La cartella riabilitativa: esercizi di lettura in termini di complessità Luca Mori pag. 4 La complessità del ragionamento riabilitativo neurocognitivo. La…

International Congress 2021

SHAPING THE NEUROCOGNITIVE REHABILITATION PROJECT. THE “CARTELLA RIABILITATIVA” BETWEEN CONSISTENCY AND COMPLEXITY Only in Italian language November 12th 2021 Neurocognitiv Laboratories in Villa Miari – Santorso (just in presence) Subscribing, please choose 1 lab for morning and 1 lab for afternoon. November 13th 2021 Meeting in Schio (both in presence and on-line) Speaking by: P.…


In order to pay homage to Prof. Carlo Perfetti, the Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Study Center has created a photographic exhibition that was set up in Villa Rossi, Santorso – Italy, with shots by the photographer Silvano Chiappin accompanied by some phrases from the Professor. Watch the video with images and words of the exhibition (English version)…

Thesis Award 2022

Are you a recent graduate with a degree thesis in Neurocognitive Rehabilitation, in the academic years 2019-2020 and 2020-21? Here is the 2022 call thanks to which you can continue your post-graduate training free of charge at the RNC Study Center, with the First Level Course in Neurocognitive Rehabilitation according to the Comparison of Actions,…

The Professor died

Sorrow for the grave mourning, all members of the “Villa Miari” Neurocognitive Rehabilitation Study Center in Santorso participate in the pain of Professor’s wife Marina and daughter Tristana for the loss of Carlo Perfetti. Our sincere condolences are joined by the whole rehabilitation world that mourns the death of the founder of the Neurocognitive Theory…

TO BE TWO – our new photo-book

TO BE TWO – For a neurocognitive approach of the bimanual actions Click here for details and preview Introduction by A.M. Iacono Textes by C. Rizzello, M. Zernitz, F. Romeo Photo by S. Chiappin Photo-publication in 3 languages: Italian, English and Japanese

Lectures to the Japanese: a new book

Lezioni ai giapponesi di Carlo Perfetti (Lectures to the Japanese) The Centro Studi publishes the Italian edition of the most important lectures that Prof. Carlo Perfetti held for his Japanese colleagues at the Kochi School, from 2002 to 2010, with the addition of 2 important lessons. € 40.00 ISBN 9788894476019 Request it at by writing to…