The Centro Studi di Reabilitazione Neurocognitiva (CS) was founded in 2001 by the will and merits of Prof. Dr. Carlo Perfetti, crowning his decades-long commitment to study and research in the rehabilitation field. This has led him over the years to propose a new rehabilitation theory, the Neurocognitive Theory (TNC).
The TNC has revolutionized not only the meaning of rehabilitation, proposing it as a science of recovery, but above all, the manner in which the rehabilitator observes and interprets movement, body and pathology.
For Prof. Perfetti, the Centro Studi should represent a reference point for all rehabilitators who intend to study and deepen their knowledge in the field of the TNC.
The implementation of this rehabilitation project was made possible by the combination of study, research and clinical activity, with an agreement between two public entities: the ULSS 4 “Alto Vicentino” (currently known as AULSS 7 “Pedemontana”) and the Comune di Santorso (County of Santorso), in the structure of “Villa Miari”.